The Monthly Review
Below is the monthly review database.
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This system helps you track your general direction & learnings from each month.
I only have the date property, because Monthly Review isn’t a quantity-heavy database. Notion’s greatest trap is spending more time organizing arbitrary systems than actually completing work.
Below is the page housing the database.
Using the Monthly Review
Overarching Goals
This section is meant for your top 3-4 goals of the month. There should be hard numbers here and clear metrics. Each objective should take many smaller tasks to get there; if not, the goal belongs in your task database.
Top 3 Learnings
We learn countless things every month, but this area is for the top 3 that you would want to remember for the rest of your life. I never extend beyond the one line for each learning, to keep each one meaningful and concise.
Top 3 Events
Life is short and we can die at any moment. Our experiences define its value, so choose 3 that you will never want to forget. Whether it be fun or stressful situations, a quick record to look back on can give you some hardcore nostalgia years later.
This monthly review saves me from the trap of mindlessly being busy. I think twice about taking on new obligations or commitments so I can focus on what really matters.
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